one of my builders literally just said to me “il lavoro in questa casa non finisce mai “😂😂 Being there in person does help move things along slightly more quickly.

Good luck!!

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Hahahaha. That’s priceless! Pazienza.

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

Sarah, welcome home! :-) I know a geometra and I can fill you in on details in private. We too have a ball of fluff called Lyra (after the constellation) but it's our 'toddler' cat. We also have a 'toddler' dog called Polly. Many exciting (and possibly frustrating) times to come but our experience has been good, possibly because I am married to an Italian....they just know how to cause a fuss to get things moving....and patience is a must. Fibre-optic is marvellous in Narni. We are 3km outside the town and we get 140MB/sec. The bin collection also works well. Yes, you need to put out the little colour-coded bins on designated days. I have the phone number to contact them. Don't get too bogged down by the myriad of things you have to do. Let the adventure begin!

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Thank you, Anastasia! We’re so excited to meet you this weekend. Great to hear the internet is so good. My teenagers will be much relieved. And my husband will be thrilled to hear you know a geometra. Cheers, and thanks for being so welcoming.

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Sep 19Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

How very wonderful your dream is coming true! Looking very forward to seeing pictures of your bookshop. Good luck with the geometra

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Thank you very much!

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The house sounds fabulous! But like in every fairy tale, you encountered your challenges! lots of appointments, not much being done. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hoping you will meet a fairy godmother of sorts.

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This is the best analogy, and how I’m going to think about this project from now on. Bring on the dragons! My Prince Charming and my talking animal sidekick and I are ready.

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

Suerte! You got this!

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

Here’s to having good luck and getting all accomplished needs done while you are at your charming new home. I love your adventures and hope to get there someday to sit in the wardrobe bookstore and exchange exciting stories. Hugs. Aunt Debra

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Thank you!

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

Getting on the ground there will change everything! You got this. In bocca al lupo!! 🍀😍

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Thanks for the vote of confidence! 💪🏼

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

In bocca al lupo (in the mouth of the wolf) means good luck! You respond ‘crepi’! 😍 Hope this helps when you hear it next ❤️

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Thank you! These are all the things I need to learn. ❤️

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

You will! Piano piano (slowly, slowly) xx

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

How far is Narni from Tuscany? My friend works with ex pat properties there so has contacts. I’ve heard bureaucracy in Italy is another level …

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Hi Trudi! Umbria borders Tuscany, but everything is so local here I don’t think a Tuscan geometra would be helpful. Thanks anyway.

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Bringhurst Familia

Hi and welcome to the rain!!! Re the geometra - ask your neighbours they will tell you who to use and a personal introduction seems to be the only way here. Or ask at the Commune. Make friends with as many people as you can and they will tell you where to get and how to do everything (this from an introvert which makes it hard!) Here just over the border in Tuscany the rubbish disposal is different and nothing is collected (we have to take everything to the huge bins in town) so I can’t help with that. Oh and good luck with the internet - again it’s who you know with that one as well! Above all enjoy 😊

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Thanks for the ideas for who to ask about a geometra! In Piemonte we also had the big bins, with special bags for each different type of trash. So having them collected straight from the door is a luxury!

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